Digital Smile Design

Digital Smile Design

Digital Smile Design

Aesthetic dentistry, which aims to improve facial aesthetics with healthy and beautiful-looking teeth, can achieve excellent results thanks to digital design programs. Digital smile design starts with photographing and video recording of the face, chin and inside of the mouth. The resulting images are transferred to a computer program that provides 3D data. In this special program, three-dimensional design is made.


What Treatments Does Digital Smile Design Include?

Aesthetic dentistry practices differ according to the needs and expectations of the patient. Digital smile design is realized with applications such as zirconium tooth application, lamina dental treatment, E-Max tooth coating, Bonding, pink aesthetics, Hollywood Smile.


What is Zirconium Dental Veneer?

It is an aesthetic dental veneer made of Zircon element, which is resistant to wear and compatible with human biology. Zirconium dental veneer has prevented allergic and aesthetic problems in metal-supported old veneers. Zirconium tooth coating can be applied to all teeth thanks to its durability.


What is Lamina Teeth?

Lamina veneer is a thin porcelain veneer used on anterior teeth. Lamina tooth veneer has an average thickness of 0.7 millimeters. It is a healthy method as it is applied by slightly abrading the existing tooth. There is no need to cut the existing thread.


What is E-Max Dental Veneer?

E-Max is an extremely aesthetic and durable dental coating known as full porcelain. E-Max is especially used to eliminate aesthetic problems in anterior teeth. E-Max, which has a light transmittance like natural teeth, is applied without damaging existing teeth.


What is Bonding Treatment?

Bonding application is an aesthetic filling process. In the bonding process, the tooth surface is not abraded, it is a fast method. Bonding application is done by using composite filling and the damages in the tooth are removed and aesthetics is gained.


What is Pink Aesthetics?

Treating gum-related problems is called pink aesthetics. Healthy gingiva should be light pinkish in color and firmly attached to the tooth and bone. In today’s aesthetic dentistry, gingival treatments can be performed comfortably with laser-assisted applications. Desired results can be achieved in terms of gingival aesthetics in gingivoplasty and gingivectomy treatments performed with laser.


What is Hollywood Smile?

The Hollywood smile is a method developed based on the glittering smiles of the actors of the cinema and TV series. Aesthetic appeal is achieved with the most suitable dental veneers, and the harmony of teeth and gums is achieved with pink aesthetic applications. Hollywood smile is actually a set of treatments.


How Long Does a Digital Smile Design Take?

After the digital design is made in the 3D computer program, a one-to-one rehearsal called “Mock Up” is performed in the second session. Treatment is started according to requests. If more than one treatment will be applied in smile design, 4 sessions may be required. However, the treatment is completed in an average of 3 sessions.


Will the same design be done in the rehearsal?

The exact same digital design is applied after the patient’s approval.